Wednesday 6 March 2013

February Report Card


February should have been a return to routine and consistent miles, disappointingly circumstances made it harder still to adhere to a schedule. Where I did run there were lots of positives with a good marathon / half marathon back-to-back and some longer runs at a slightly quicker pace than of late.

Actual VS Plan:



This month’s running buddies and routes:

Gary Linacre (DAYTREKKER)     

Various routes on the Dukeries course and Belvoir Challenge

The Belvoir Challenge an off-road marathon, my second running of this event; it’s charm had diminished none; you are welcomed into the village of Harby as a VIP (the event is run in aid of the local school) and are treated to a tough route, across and around ploughed fields, over open grass and along narrow rutted paths, all through the very pretty Vale of Belvoir, running past Belvoir Castle at the run’s high point. The aid stations are stocked with hot drinks, home-made cakes and flap jacks. On return to the school hall a bowl of soup and lovely home-made crumble awaits. All for an entry fee of just £16, awesome.

Training Thoughts:
Frustrated is the word that most readily jumps to mind; two months into the year and I am already over 40% behind plan. I do take some solace from knowing I have not missed a run through choice I am though very unhappy to be so far from target.

One of my favourite ultra-running quotes comes from David Horton “pain is inevitable, suffering optional” – without a significant uplift in training frequency, intensity and volume I am clearly heading for some needless suffering in races later this year.

Whilst not where I wanted to be it’s not all bad news I have at times been pleasantly surprised with some good running in training further there are no real niggles or ailments to report. The Belvoir Challenge is the first marathon I have finished having felt comfortable throughout, I didn’t wear a Garmin but the pace felt very even throughout and I was fresh enough to run a half-marathon the following day.

Start of month 84.2 kilos (13st 7lbs)

End of month 82.3 kilos (12st 13lbs)

Very pleased indeed to be back under the 13st threshold, focus firmly on the next milestone of 12st 7lbs.

Clearly the number one priority is to find some consistency by adhering much more closely to the plan I have in place. As I am likely to have some time off towards the end of the month then this should be easier.
I had been considering a run out at the Hardmoors 55 however weighing up potential injury risk, interruption to training and frustration at running it slower than I might like, to take account for being a little out of condition, I have decided against it. I still have to exorcise the pain of a DNF at Hardmoors 60 last year so will save myself, at least Hardmoors wise, for a return to that race this year.

I do hope to enjoy a few trots out with fellow MDS runners and to get up to the Peak District to finalise the route for my proposed April FatAss event, details to follow.

To learn more about my plans for this and next year, including the charity I am raising money for please visit:

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